there, so, I’ve been thinking about writing a football blog for a while now and
here we are, the truth is that there is usually a massive difference between
what I think about and what I actually do. Even now, as I am writing I have a
couple of issues with the whole process to be honest.
first being whether anybody would want to hear my opinions at all…seems the
internet is awash with people who already think that the FA is full of retarded
monkeys shitting into fax machines, or that John Terry is the biggest cunt to
walk the earth since Genghis Khan (yes, worse than Hitler). I guess time will
tell if anybody wants to read but maybe a few minutes a day of writing will
help me get my thoughts straight in my own head. In the increasingly murky
moral realm of professional football with players given massively inflated
contracts whilst at the same time clubs batter their own fans like they were
little Mo from Eastenders with overpriced tickets. In the bubble where the
situation exists were that fucking square headed Chelsea captain is
still just walking around without anybody punching him in the face in public
ever. In that kind of a place it can be easy to lose perspective as to what
we love about the game and what we should enjoy so I guess that is part of what
I will try to do here. Of course there will be plenty to say about what I hate
too, because there is plenty to hate and without people venting their
unsolicited opinions on the internet nothing will ever change so…no, wait,
scratch that, nothing will change regardless but it will be fun for me to moan
and that’s enough for me…
issue that has been bugging me is the time it will take to get all this down. I
have no doubt you will all know the story already, you spend 250 days a year
selling your youth to some soulless fucktard with a suit and a middle
management title so why would you spend the precious time you have not drinking Tequila from the bottle in
the centre of town with your pants around your ankles or whatever it is that
you do for fun (and if it isn’t that then what’s wrong with you?). I have
overcome that obstacle by writing this at work, that’s right your correspondent
is taking full advantage of our totally fucked economy and his own probable
impending unemployment by pretending to be a diligent and hard-working
individual whilst, in fact, typing up this drivel. I am writing to you on a
template for a letter my employer sent to one Mrs. Lomas earlier this year,
thus appearing to be pro-actively responding to a valued customer’s legitimate
concerns whilst actually dragging us all further down into the deep, dank, dark
recession hole we allowed ourselves to slip into by abandoning our work ethic
and not limiting the internet access of low wage employees. I realise my actions
are not great for stimulating economic growth, but if I’m going to write this
and also put myself in the way of an indecent exposure/ drunk and disorderly
charge then I really see no other option.
is all apropos of nothing really, except to give you some idea of where I’m
coming from- if you want some football background then I suppose I am duty
bound to give you some- My formative tournament as a football fan was Euro 96
and I still remember vividly the rising sense of hope as an 11 year old in a
treasured replica shirt, hope that I was about to witness something glorious.
It seemed impossible that we could lose, we had strength in all departments,
rock solid defensive reliability in the strong jawed rugged determination of
Seamen, Adams and Southgate (ok, maybe not all strong jawed) tricky and impudent
skill in midfield from the elf-like Mcmanaman and mercurial Gascoigne and a
lethal strike force, incapable of missing, the real SAS: Shearer and Sheringham
(even my 11 year old self was suspicious of the charlatan Chris Sutton). I
remember watching England games, seeing the veins bulge on Stuart Pearce’s neck
and being convinced we could not lose. Then, of course, we lost…that tournament
shaped me as a football fan and come to think of it as a person. The night we
went out on penalties to Germany I realized that the world is a cold and
unforgiving place and that the good guys always lose (this was before I knew
about the various problems of England as a footballing nation, but I guess with
the Euros coming I will keep my powder dry on that for a while yet.)
followed football after that and then became an Arsenal fan without a real
geographical link (though I do have a tangential link through my Nan, and if
that’s good enough to get Andy Townsend [ANDY FUCKING TOWNSEND] to the world
cup then it is good enough for me). Many people have strong opinions on who is
allowed to support who, bourn largely out of the ‘Plastic Manc’* phenomenon I
suppose, I have my own opinions on that too which I will save for another day,
but suffice to say they are more nuanced than ‘You aren’t
from here so stay the fuck away from my team’. Some of us have parents who
aren’t football fans (and spent our childhoods in phone boxes trying to convince
social services that this was neglect), we came across the game on our own and
made a rational decision as to who we would support based on the quality of the
players, history of the club and, yes, the fact there is a big gun on the
badge. I think that’s ok, how about you?.
about it for me today, hope that as an introduction this serves to give you an
idea of what I’m about. I’m English so I’m going to write mostly about the
Premier league but I try to keep up with La liga, the Bundesliga and Serie A as
well so you will find some of that creeping in here too. I am completely aware
of the ridiculousness of starting a football blog with 3 or 4 games left of the
season but…er…well…the Euros are coming soon so you will get my self-loathing Anglo
perspective on that mess when it comes around. We are coming to the business
end of the season so there is plenty to talk about in the days to come. I’m
going to try to write every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, in case anybody
didn’t hear me earlier our economy has been flushed into the
darkest, shittiest corner of the sewer by a succession of privileged arseholes
with no regard for the common man or even common decency so chances are
I won’t be too busy to manage that.
Manc- Term to describe Manchester United fans who have never set foot in
Manchester and support the team on the basis of the trophies they have won.
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